Our Compliance

A code of conduct that is valid for all companies of the KRAIBURG group.

The employees of the KRAIBURG companies are in daily contact with business partners, customers, institutions, etc. Employee conduct must be characterized by maximum integrity at all times. All employees are therefore obligated to comply with the general rules of human interaction as well as the provisions of the applicable laws in the respective countries. KRAIBURG has established a code of conduct that is valid for all the companies of our group.

The examples contained in the guideline are intended to increase the sense of responsibility of all employees, to inform them of the nature and scope of that responsibility and to help them implement it in their daily work. Compliance is a matter of top priority in all companies of KRAIBURG Holding. All employees, business partners, customers and third parties are expressly encouraged by the management of the KRAIBURG Group to report any incidents, either directly to management or the legal department.